
Hej och välkommen till min blogg. Denna blogg använder jag när jag är ute och reser för att enklare dela med mig av bilder och information till den som är intresserad.

Hittills bloggade resor:
Big Asia trip - 090907-091026
South Korea - 100116-100708
Carron and me 100917-present

söndag 13 september 2009


This morning at 8 o clock we arrived to Ulan-Bator (2 o clock in the night in sweden).
We got a great hostel to stay in for only 6 dollars a night (Golden Gobi). There we got warned for robbers that makes groups of 7-8 and makes a crowd around you and steal money and cameras. So we have been very careful when going outside the hostel, we never go alone, and always hide money and that very close to body.

We were changing our russian rubels into mongolian money at a bank in Ulan-Bator. Then we got to a restaurant and ordered a lots of different food, when we wanted to pay we got confused, the food bill was on 9600 mogolian money and that is only 40SEK shared by 3 eating people. So its very cheap to eat out in Ulan-Bator.

Today we also took a shower in cold water, and managed a trip with 2 other people from Hungary for 5 days starting tomorrow. We will reach the desert and sleep with the nomads, riding camels and a lots of things. So this will be the last you hear from me for a while.

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