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måndag 7 september 2009

Report from Moscow

Today me and Christian arrived to Moscow. The time difference is 2 hours, everything is written in Russia, and the metros are old and very noicy.
But we are doing fine, just took us some time to get russian rubles from the bankomat because we were guessing where to press the buttons.
Even to understand and use the metro system was quite hard, but we wroted numbers on a paper and handled it over to the women in the -payment box- and after a while we got some tickets, not the tickets we wanted but it worked and it was cheep. About the money, its very nice to shop food or tickets because prices are low and you got nearly 5 rubles for 1 swedish. To dinner we bought som russian food at the supermarket that tasted like smashed potatoes in some soft bread.

The hostel we are living at is very nice, we have free internet, shower, kitchen, tv-room and all that for only 100 swedish each night.

Tomorrow we will see Moscows red square and the famous Pokrovsky Cathedral that we are used to see on Kefir yoghurt package.

Now time is 01.24 russian time.


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