The train from Ulan-Bator to Beijing wasnt that special. Some things like we ordered dinner on the train with 4 different money systems (Russian rubel, mongolian turiks, chinese yen and american dollar) just to use all old money from the pocket. One other funny thing was at the border Mongolia-China. Then our conductor checked the temperature on all persons on the train and wrote it down on a paper.
Well, the first impression of Beijing from the Railway station was huge. Really nice city. At 19.00 we met the german guys and some more swedish guys in front of Mao. Then we started go around in Beijing drinking one beer at each place.
Following day we booked train tickets to Nanning and a trip to the great wall of china. Then we took a break at an internet cafe. Strange feeling there. They scanned our passport before we could use any computer, and then there was a chinese behind us all the time surfing, checking what sites we visited. And the best sites were blocket by chinese government (facebook, youtube, this blog). Thats why i havnt written something before now (sitting in Hanoi, VietNam).
In the afternoon 22/9 we visited the famous silk market in Beijing. There we met the Holland friends from our trip in Mongolia. What a coinsidence! They told us to decide what we need before enter the market, hehe, but we didnt do that and ended up 5 hours later with 6 bags or something full with stuff. We forget the time and to eat. It was very fun going around and bargain with all the nice chinese girls.
23/9 - We started 06.30 with a van to Jinshanling. There we walked 10km on the great wall to Simatai. On the wall we passed 30 towers, and at every tower there was old man and women selling stuff. You could hear sound of 'water cola beer', 'water, cola, beer' or 'tshirt,tshirt,tshirt' very fast.
24/9 - we spend the day before the train to Nanning in the forbidden city. And there, haha, it so funny, many chinese people got it more interesting to photograph us than the forbidden city itself. I dont know how many chinese that now has a picture of two swedes visiting forbidden city, and some of them even asked if we had time to stay beside them on the photos.
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