The first impression of India wasnt that good because of a taxi driver that first told us a drive to a hotel for 400 rupies, and then told us 400 each and refused to stop the taxi when we asked. But after that everything changed, all the people we met were very nice and helpful. The guy at the trainstation told us we were guests of india and we got full service and he smiled at us when 20 other indians were waiting for help with buying train tickets :)
Some pictures from Chennai:
An internet cafe with a little bit too low ceeling :)

This bar was the most strange we have been to. First we asked what they have to drink and the answere was: "What do you want, with a smile". The we ordered two cokes and sat down. After 10min they come and told us we couldnt sit there if we didnt buy any alcoholic drink. In the place were only guys and it was very dark and many doors inside and the indians looked very strange and come and go through the different doors. So we leaved the place :)
Then we walked around, buyed some stuff and then started looking again for a new cafe. Then we met two indian engineer stundets, that invited us for a drink from the wine shop. We bought two beers and sat down in a tent. The students were gone but some drunk police officers was there and we had a lots of talk together :) They were really nice and helpful, and the time just run away so we had to leave the nice guys on the picture but switched contact information.

On the train there was no problem finding correct wagon and place. They had glued a paper on the outside of the train with all names :)

On the train we met a lots of nice people. The old man in the picture invited for a stronger drink and he told us he wanted to go to Sweden because we were so nice. We also get informed that in India, the longer mustach you had, the more wise you are as a person :)

The sunrise from the train was really nice:
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