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Big Asia trip - 090907-091026
South Korea - 100116-100708
Carron and me 100917-present

torsdag 15 oktober 2009

Udagamandalam 12-13/10

On the way to Udagamandalam (Ooty) we slept on the roof of the railway station in Coimbatore waiting for next train.

The last part to Ooty was by a steam locomotive, it was going very slowly because of all mountains. The trip took 6 hours but the view and the feeling was really nice.

This is a tea plantage, you can see it everywhere around Ooty. And also it is easy to see pieces in the area from the Brittish time in India, like the railways, the names of places, and some buildings that doesnt look like other india buildings.

In Ooty we visited the Tea Factory and the Tea Museum. There we tasted different kinds of tea, and bought some ammounts to bring home. It was really interesting to read about the Tea history in Ooty and about the transports in earlier times to the rest of the world.

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